Estimated 30,000 litres of raw sewage dumped into Red River on Sunday, City of Winnipeg reports

Tens of thousands of litres of raw sewage spilled into the Red River on Sunday in Winnipeg’s Glenelm neighbourhood. 

An overflow alarm at the Hart Avenue lift station alerted the city’s Wastewater Control Centre shortly after 3 a.m., a city release said. 

A crew arrived at the site to investigate the alert around 3:40 a.m. and found two fire hydrants had been opened and the water was draining into the combined sewer outfall at 1 Hart Ave., near the Harry Lazarenko Bridge, the city said.

The overflow caused an estimated 30,000 litres of raw sewage to spill into the river over a period of approximately 21 minutes, the news release said.

The crew shut off the fire hydrants, the use of which had not been authorized. Around 5:25 a.m., the remaining wastewater was pumped out and the station resumed normal operations, the release said. 

CBC reached out to the City of Winnipeg for comment on Tuesday.

Before this spill, an estimated 422,860 litres of raw sewage had been dumped into the Red River on five separate occasions in different locations in Winnipeg since Jan. 2, city reports say.